Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Serve Him!

Do you want to experience God's blessing in your life? Do you want God to pour out His goodness on you in overwhelming measure?

I think most of us would answer both of those questions in the affirmative.

Recently I have written some about where we are going as a church.

I have said that God wants us to...

Worship Him, Grow in Him, Serve Him, and Reach Others for Him!

Serving should be thought of as more than filling a slot in a ministry org-chart or calendar. Serving should be thought of as a powerful way of relating and loving others.

In John 13, Jesus was about to celebrate Passover with His disciples. But there was no one available to wash their feet - a job normally reserved for the most humble of slaves. Certainly it was a job that was too humiliating and unworthy of any of the disciples!

Jesus didn't stop and take a spiritual gift inventory and then evaluate the opportunity based upon His giftedness. He didn't spend days praying over the commitment. Instead He saw the need and rose to or - perhaps better said - humbled Himself for the occasion and washed the feet of His disciples.

True servants see needs and seize opportunities! (Galatians 6:10)

After serving in this very humble manner Jesus says something like this to His disciples, "I have given you an example. You should do for each other as I have done for you. I am the Master and you are My servants. If I as the Master serve you, certainly you should serve each other. Now you understand My concerns. But you will only be blessed if you serve each other as I have served you!" (John 13:1 - 17)

What drives how you and I serve will determine whether or not we are blessed in the serving.

So how can a person get started in serving God through the ministries of our church?
You can be a greeter on Sunday mornings or help with refreshments.
You can help run sound or multi-media if you are tech-savvy.
You can serve as a worker or teacher in the children's ministries or student ministries.
You can host or facilitate a 2:42 Group or small group.
You can serve on the worship team as a musician or vocalist.
You can feed, shelter, and give the homeless a message of hope through Nomadic Sheltering.
But there is one thing you can't do and expect to experience God's blessing. You cannot simply sit back and do little or nothing.

Jesus has given us an example to follow! We will only be blessed if we do it!

Warmly in Christ,

Pastor Gary
Acts 20:24

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