When Jesus looked at people, He saw their heartaches, fears, shame, and disappointments. The Bible says this about Jesus,
“When he saw the crowds, he felt deep concern for them. They were beaten down and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. “Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is huge. But there are only a few workers. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers out into his harvest field.’” Matthew 9:36-38 (NIrV)Some people think of church as a place where you have to look good so all the good people will like you. That’s why a lot of people have given up on the church. For Jesus, the church is for people who are hurting, lonely, afraid, and confused. It is a place where you can find a “Shepherd” for your soul who is deeply concerned about the things that concern you…the things that leave you feeling beaten down and helpless.
When we see people the way Christ does, we will be moved with the same compassion that moved Christ.
Jesus said, “The harvest is huge. But there are only a few workers. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers out into his harvest field.”
Warmly in Christ,
Pastor Gary
1 Corinthians 15:58
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