Dear friend,
I want everybody to know how grateful I am for your prayers and concerns for my parents. Everyday they seem to do a little better. When I first flew in to Little Rock on June 10th my mom was unable to carry on a coherent conversation. But now she appears to suffer from no long term effects of her brain bleed. She is able to carry on a clear and lucid conversation, although she still gets tired very quickly. Her broken neck, fractured sternum, and broken ribs will take longer to heal. She still needs lots of rest.
My Dad is getting around well with a walking cast on his broken ankle and with the use of a walker. In about a week and a half the doctor will confirm whether or not his ankle requires surgery.
Recently I have been meditating on Matthew 14. One of my favorite stories of the Bible is how God took the offering of five loaves of bread and two fish to feed an entire multitude. Verse 20 says, "And they all ate and were satisfied."
It is amazing how God is able to take such an "insignificant offering" and multiply it to feed such a large multitude. This text points out to us that there really is no such thing as an insignificant offering. And there is nothing that God can't do when we sacrifice what we have for Him to use for His glory.
In the summer months it is not unusual for giving to take a dip in many churches. I want to remind you that your offering is not insignificant in the Lord's eyes. Bring what you have to God and let Him multiply it to meet the needs of many. Perhaps because of your faithful offering to God, heaven will declare, "And they all ate and were satisfied."
Warmly in Christ,